Sometimes during the week I like to self reflect when I have some time between working, growing a business, doing online university and training for a marathon… I’ve not even mentioned down time, spending time with the family, eating and sleeping.
As I sit back and think why do I run even when it’s not going the way I wanted it to go for a while and I still stay disciplined during the midst of the storm. 🌩🌪⛈
There’s just something so pure and raw about putting my trainers on and checking in with the streets. Running and training for the marathon I feel is a great vehicle for self-explorarion. I use running as a tool for many facets in my life… the discipline to get out and run when it’s snowing, raining, blowing of gale force winds, freezing cold or hot as bloody balls. When sometimes you have all the excuses in the world to talk yourself out of putting your shoes on and getting the miles in, seeing how tough and resilient you really are.
I use running as a tool to strip me down to who I really am and during the worst moments of pain and suffering out on the roads I am confronted by who I really am… you can’t bullshit your way through a 26 mile long run… you’re faced with the reality of who you really are and you’re forced to wrestle with that.
I know that might sound off putting to a lot of you but this is why I feel I can cope with all that life and business throws at me highs and lows, happiness and sadness, smooth and rough… shit is going to hit us all in the face that’s fact! But you have to find tools in your toolbox to cope through the hard times. A sport so simple as running has given me the tools that allows me to own my own headspace. No one owns my own headspace but me.
Do you own your headspace?
If you’re looking to enhance your running then why not hop over to my website and download a training plan that you can follow to give you motivation, structure and focus to your running and help you achieve your best self – Training Plans
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